Category: Health & Lifestyle

  • The Link Between Clean Water and Improved Mental and Physical Health

    The Link Between Clean Water and Improved Mental and Physical Health

    Our bodies cannot survive without clean water – but what role does hydration play in mental health?

  • Why Is My Hair So Dry?

    Why Is My Hair So Dry?

    Why Is My Hair So Dry? Hard water could be the reason why your hair is getting brittle and dry. Read more about what causes it and what you can do about it. If your hair is dry and dull, you want to know why and figure out how to stop the problem. Perhaps you’ve…

  • What Are Shower Filters?

    What Are Shower Filters?

    What is a shower filter, and what exactly does it filter out? Before spending time and money installing a shower filter, it’s important to understand what it does and doesn’t do and how it differs from a home filtration system. Shower filters remove harmful chemicals like chlorine from your water, which can help protect your…

  • Water and Wellness

    Water and Wellness

    Water and Wellness: The Surprising Ways That Water Contributes To Health and Wellness. Chances are, whether it was your family doctor, your nutritionist, your Mom or just some random person you heard or read about on the internet – the whole concept of drinking 8 glasses of water a day for its health benefits has…

  • Cloudy Water – Yuck or Yum?

    Cloudy Water – Yuck or Yum?

    Cloudy Water – Yuck or Yum? Have you ever turned on the tap and watched what flowed out with a mixture of awe and “Ewww” at the same time? Awe, that water is something so freely available to us here in Canada that we sometimes take it for granted, and “Ewww” because, for whatever reason,…

  • Distilling Water Practices

    Distilling Water Practices

    Distilling Water Practices If you’ve watched one too many movies, or you are an avid reader,  it could be that the word “distilling” calls to mind the practice of making moonshine. Alternatively, perhaps the words “distilled water” make you think of hospitals and antiseptics. Either way, today, we’re dispelling myths about distilling (say that 10…

  • How much is too much when it comes to chlorine in water?

    How much is too much when it comes to chlorine in water?

    How much is too much when it comes to chlorine in water? Chlorine in water is not necessarily bad, but it’s hard to know how much is too much without a little more information on chlorine itself, the water that it inhabits, and the purpose of both the chlorine and the water! Chlorine in a…

  • Iron in water? How Much Is Too Much?

    Iron in water? How Much Is Too Much?

    Iron in water? How Much Is Too Much? When to be concerned and what to do about it! Iron is a funny thing. We need it, but for some of us, we don’t get nearly enough while others (often those with very specific medical conditions) store far too much of it, putting our health at…

  • Home Water: Are you asking about it when you buy or sell?

    Home Water: Are you asking about it when you buy or sell?

    Home Water: Are you asking about it when you buy or sell? Home shopping is both a fun and a stressful time in your life, particularly right now with the market experiencing so much flux. Selling a home is a just as nerve-wracking. We’ve got suggestions for both buyers and sellers to consider when it…