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Bottled Water Vs. Tap

Bottled Water Vs. Tap

Bottled Water Vs. Tap – What You Need To Know

Perhaps you think, “water is water,” it’s all the colour “clear” and what’s the big deal between tap and bottled? While it is technically true that water is simply H20 at it’s core, the larger truth is that there are indeed some significant differences, that as consumers, you should be aware of. That’s why today we’re talking about all things water – specifically, bottled vs. tap.

Types of Water

Perhaps first we should point out that there are indeed a number of different water types these days. They include:

  • Tap Water

Depending on where you live, even basic tap water may differ from town to town and city to city. Municipalities differ in the amount of fluoride that is added to their water and/or whether any fluoride at all is added. Treatment facilities also vary between locations meaning your tap water could be sourced from any of three options; local lakes, rivers or groundwater. This water is then treated with a variety of chemicals that will first cause larger unwanted particles to clump together for ease of separation, at which point further filtration will take place and then chlorine will be added as a disinfectant. You can expect to find minerals like iron, aluminum, copper and even pesticides and herbicides in your tap water, even AFTER treatment has taken place. While these have all been determined to be at “acceptable” levels according to various government regulatory bodies, you may want to make a decision as a family about what is “acceptable” for your family.

  • Desalinized Water

This is still relatively rare and is the process of removing salt from salt water sources (i.e.: the ocean’s of the world – where most of our water exists!) However, the process is complicated and costly and the technology required to complete this process is still emerging so it’s not something you can expect to see anytime soon in your hometown.

  • Spring Water

Not widely available, spring water is literally water that comes from a naturally sourced spring, far removed from towns and cities and as a result, pretty much free of contaminants. Great if you have easy access but not something most people will be able to source! (That said, Watermaker Orangeville CAN help you with this choice!)

  • Mineral Water, Soda Water, Sparkling Water

There are a number of bottled sources of water that offer features like carbonation (can be hard on the enamel of your teeth) or that add minerals to the water (club soda, we’re looking at you.) Mineral water, whether carbonated or not, as the name implies is rich in naturally occurring or added minerals. Finally there’s tonic water. Its history is interesting arising originally from soldiers adding quinine to water to prevent malaria. The taste was so bitter they also added sugar to make it palatable. The result now is that we have tonic water – the only form of water to actually list calories on the label, due obviously, to its sugar content.

Bottled Water

Here too you will find a variety of water types ranging from tap water that is repackaged into bottles and sold to mineral and sparkling and soda waters. The biggest concerns around bottled water relate more to the environment than its actual contents, with advocates pointing out the significant plastic waste and additional pollution resulting from bottled water.  There is even some evidence to suggest that BPA* can leach from the plastic into the water you are drinking. With all the evidence between bottle and tap water both pointing to possible risks, how is a family, concerned about their water source, supposed to make an informed decision? We can help!

Safe Sources of Bottled Water

We’ve been in the business of water since 1974 so we know a thing or two about H20! Whether you are considering Reverse Osmosis, Distilled Water or Spring Water we have bottled water solutions for you that are safe AND environmentally friendly. We offer refillable containers meaning less waste and both “U-fill” or delivery options. Our spring water is sourced locally from Hockley Valley Ontario. Distilled Water is an environmentally friendly process that is based on the natural process of heating and cooling (evaporation and condensation) that we are happy to discuss with our customers. Reverse Osmosis involves filtering, high pressure and ozonation to produce pure, healthy drinking water and at Watermaker Orangeville each of these options is available to your home or business based on your preferences. In addition to these bottled water sources we also offer a variety of water treatment systems that will help to address any concerns you have about the water coming from your taps.

This rather long blog was our short way of saying no two waters are the same! Sure it’s all H20 at the core but there are significant differences in additives, minerals, chemicals and processes. If you’d like to learn more about how “clear” the water is in your home or business, contact the Watermaker Orangeville team anytime and if you’re considering bottled water over tap water – look to make an environmentally responsible choice like refillable, reusable containers. We have those too! Drink water – it can be good for you!


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