121 First St,
Orangeville, ON
519.942.4514. Ext 1
935 St David St N, Fergus, ON 519.787.8205
Head Office
Phone: 519-941-3725
Toll Free: 1-800-265-9184
Service: Ext 2 |
Delivery: Ext 3
121 First St,
Orangeville, ON
519.942.4514. Ext 1
935 St David St N, Fergus, ON 519.787.8205
Phone: 519-941-3725
Toll Free: 1-800-265-9184
Service: Ext 2 |
Delivery: Ext 3
Are you looking for bottled water delivery? Let’s talk about bottled water. Do you dislike the taste or odour of your water? Do you want to enjoy a healthier lifestyle by drinking pure spring water? Could your recreational centre, yoga studio or office environment benefit from having a steady supply of cold, healthy refreshments?
We’ve been providing reverse osmosis, spring and distilled bottled water delivery for over 30 years. Additionally, all Watermaker bottled water is processed at our new plant in Orangeville, Ontario. You can also fill your water cooler bottles on self-serve taps, dispensing reverse osmosis water, at our retail location in Orangeville.
We bottle reverse osmosis, spring and distilled water in a variety of sizes for your convenience. The most popular sizes of bottles that we sell are 18L and 11L bottles. These water cooler bottles can be used with water coolers, porcelain dispensers and hand pumps. We also sell 10L bottles (boxes of 3), 4L bottles (boxes of 6), 1.5L bottles (boxes of 15) and 500mL bottles (boxes of 24).
Water coolers that dispense our bottled water are also available through our water cooler rental program, rent to own program or for purchase. At Watermaker, we also provide BPA-free and glass bottles. We specialize in excellent service providing quality water products that purify water at reasonable prices in Orangeville and surrounding areas. Give us a try for bottled water delivery; you won’t be disappointed! Contact us today and get started on your pure water experience from the best water sources and reverse osmosis.
Our bottled water delivery radius is Orangeville, Fergus, Tottenham, Amaranth, Mono, Schomberg, Newmarket, Bolton, Caledon, North Brampton, Halton Hills, Eramosa, Guelph, Fergus, Arthur, Shelburne and Alliston.
is a simple and effective way to rid your water of undesirable substances. Processed well water enters a sediment prefilter that removes sediment and particles, and then flows into a chamber with a reverse osmosis membrane. The water is then forced under high pressure through a semi-permeable membrane effectively removing dissolved solids and contaminants. Prior to the bottle being filled, the RO water passes through ozonation which kills all bacteria and viruses, producing a pure and healthy drinking water with a great taste.
Reverse Osmosis water is available for bottled water delivery in 18L, 11L, 10L, 4L, 1.5L and 500mL bottles.
Uses nature’s own process for recycling water. Distillation reduces impurities through the process of evaporation and condensation. As the water is heated the vapour rises, leaving the moist impurities behind in the boiling chamber or discharged through the volatile gas vent. As the water vapour cools it changes to a liquid state. Prior to the bottle being filled, the distilled water passes through ozonation which kills all bacteria and viruses.
Bottled distilled water is available for delivery in 18L, 11L, 10L and 4L bottles.
Our spring water is pumped from a natural supply located in the Amaranth area. Prior to the bottle being filled the spring water passes through a carbon filter to remove any naturally occurring chemicals. The spring water is then ozonated to kill all bacteria and viruses.
Bottled spring water is available for delivery in 18L, 11L, 10L, 4L and 1L bottles.
U Fill is a quick, easy and convenient self-service for bottled water (reverse-osmosis only), offered in our retail location at 121 First St. in Orangeville. For convenient U Fill water services and helpful staff, Watermaker Orangeville is the team to trust.
If you don’t have an in-home reverse-osmosis system, you can still enjoy some of the safest, finest quality and greatest tasting water directly from in-store taps. Bring your own bottle, or put a deposit on one available in our retail outlet. Simply walk in and fill your water bottle directly from our in-store taps in your choice of 4L, 10L, 11L, 15L and 18L sizes. Free caps are supplied with every purchase. We also offer pre-paid cards, which save you money on regular purchases. You pay for 9, but you receive 10 bottles of whatever size you purchase. For your added convenience we provide free full service, carrying your water, salt and any other purchases right to your vehicle. Don’t strain your back, let us place those full containers in your vehicle for you.
Ozone (O3), one of nature’s basic elements, is a very powerful disinfecting and deodorizing gas consisting of oxygen (O2) with an extra oxygen atom attached, therefore becoming ozone (O3). When oxygen in the air is exposed to high-intensity ultraviolet rays, ozone is created (such as our sun creating the ozone layer). When ozone does its job, it oxidizes by giving up and attaching its extra oxygen atom to anything that can be oxidized. When this oxidization takes place it effectively kills bacteria and viruses. Once this process occurs, the ozone molecule becomes oxygen (O3 – O = O2). Thus, the only by-product of ozone is pure oxygen. In fact, ozone reverts to pure oxygen quite rapidly and naturally. The half-life of ozone in air is on the order of hours and on the order of minutes when dissolved in water. Additionally, ozone dissolves over 12 times more readily into water than pure oxygen, then reverts to oxygen, providing hundreds of times more oxygen in your water than could otherwise be possible.
Watermaker Orangeville & Fergus also carry convenient prepacked products that are available for customers at our retail location.
✓ Municipal water enters our system
✓ Water is softened
✓ Chlorine is removed
✓ Sub-micron sediment
✓ Reverse-Osmosis
✓ Carbon filtration
✓ Ultra-Violet sterilization
✓ Bottle is ozone rinsed
Are you ready to place your order? Would you like bottled water delivery?
Get in touch and let us know exactly what you need and when.
Water treatment that meets your lifestyle requirements.
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